Artist-Trio. They all studied at the School of Fine Arts Prilidiano Pueyrredon in Buenos Aires, where they live and work to date. “Mondongo”, which means “Tripe”, mainly create portraits from richly coloured modelling clay. Composed of countless threads, the surface texture breathes life into the portraits of life. What from a distance seems to be a mix of watercolour and oil works on canvas, turns around to be countless shapes and colours of the modelling clay from near.
2016 | Paisajes, MAXXI, Rome |
2013 | Argentina, Buenos Aires Museum of Modern Art, Buenos Aires |
2012 | Mondongo, Art Sawa, DIFC, Dubai |
2011 | Art International Zurich, Kongresshaus, Zurich |
2010 | Mondongo, Bose Pacia, New York |
2009 | Silencio, Ruth Benzacar Gallery, Buenos Aires |
2009 | Track 16, Santa Monica, Los Angeles |
2009 | Art Basel Miami, Miami Beach Convention Center, Miami |
2008 | Mondongo, Maddox Arts, London |
2008 | Gaslighting, Track 16, Santa Monica, Los Angeles |
2007 | Thread/bare, Track 16. Santa Monica, Los Angeles |
2005 | Merca, Galería Ruth Benzacar, Buenos Aires |
2004 | Cumbre, Casa de América, Madrid |
2004 | Esa Boca tan Grande, Galería Daniel Maman, Buenos Aires |
2003 | Mondongo, Cancillería de la Embajada de España, Buenos Aires |
2002 | Mondongo, Galería Braga Menéndez Schuster, Buenos Aires |
2000 | La Primera Cena, Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires |